Video Tutorials
Getting Started
Getting Started - Support Team Member
How to add live chat in 5 minutes
How to adjust Style Settings
How to make translations
How to use the Support Panel
How to use Basic Settings
How to use Page Labels
How to use Canned Responses
How to use oFeatures WordPress plugin
How to use the Joomla! plugin
Tips & Tricks
How to display the Page URL in a friendly way
You can change the page url of a request to a label. For example, from page_id=596 to Contact us. This way you can easily view on which page the request was sent from.
You can do this in Websites > Website settings > Page labels

How to use Canned Responses
Canned responses are ready to use messages. While writing in Chat for example, you can click on a canned response and send it to your customer without having to type anything.
You can set up Canned Responses in New Chat > Settings > Chat Settings > Canned Response. You can set different responses for various languages.

Trick: Use the Quick Search tool!
Thanks to "Quick Search" you have the option of searching requests from clients in a more convenient way. There are two searching modes - simple and advanced.
In the simple mode all you need to do is enter a text by which you would like to find a request from a customer.
It can be a email, phone number or a fragment of a message in the request. In the advanced mode, you can precisely define searching criteria.
In both modes you can define the date range, which you would like to search.

Check the request history
Did you know that oFeatures has a request history? Among other things, here you can see the changes made to the status of the request as well as reassigned users.

Tip: Use the Visual Editor!
In the Visual Editor in Languages you have a set of icons that can be used to customize text on your feature.

How to check if a customer viewed your response
You can see whether a customer or page visitor viewed your response. The green check informs you about this.

Tip: Use Statistics!
You can find the number of events, a summary of alerts and the load of your Support Team Members, which can help decide on employment.
In Feature-Statistics there is an option called Secondary dimension where you can search the average satisfaction, amount of conversations or average conversation duration on a page, website feature or for a user or language.

Tip: Use JavaScript!
Did you know that you can use JavaScript API if you want to show a feature form from a JavaScript code?
You can use the following methods:
<div onclick="of_OpenCallMeBack()">Call me back!</div>
You can use the following methods:
<div onclick="of_OpenCallMeBack()">Call me back!</div>
Tip: Use Integration Settings!
If customers are able to login into your website, you should consider integrating the Support Panel with your website.

Example: Let's say your customer is logged in on your website and clicks the "Call Me Back". Now you might want to see which existing customer sent that request - that's possible thanks to integration.
Another example: The customer starts a new chat conversation with you. With integration you will be able to see that customer's latest orders with just one click.
To let the feature know (e.g. Call Me Back) which customer is currently logged in, you need to add the following variables to the "window DOM object" of your website (you can use all of them or just selected). It is up to you which variable will be used for what purposes.
Example HTML/Java Script code:
window.of_data1 = "4562";
window.of_data2 = "John Smith";
If you would like to know more details click the "Show explanation" button.

Add more than one website address
Did you know that you can add more than one website address? If you have a mobile website version or test environment, you can add it in Website - Settings.

Trick: See what webpage your visitor is on!
Did you know that oFeatures Live Chat contains a page tracking functionality? While chatting with your customer you can see which page they switch to.

Slideshow Guides
How to get started with using oFeatures
How to use the Support Panel
How to add live chat to WordPress in 5 minutes
How to adjust Style settings
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